What is project management software?

According to Wikipedia, the precursor to project management software was the Harmonogram, back in 1896, which showed task development in a floating chart. This was followed by the more advanced Gantt chart which looked more like today’s scheduling chart or diagram. This tool apparently broke down tasks for the building of Hoover Dam in early…

What is BuildProjex?

BuildProjex is a job management tool which helps you manage the projects that you have on the go whether you’re at home, on site or at the office. It’s a cloud based application that’s device independent so you can check out your project’s status on your mobile, tablet or iPad, your laptop or MacBook. Simply…

The importance of connectivity in construction

The Covid pandemic forced us to work remotely more than ever and communicate better at a distance. It challenged us to look for solutions which help keep teams joined up and effective. Construction teams have historically worked fairly independently but Covid made us question whether there could be a better way. Savvy building firm owners…